We know that what isn't in your baby's food is just as important as what is
Our products are always made with just real, organic food. As a Clean Label Project certified brand, we are committed to safety and quality. All our products contain only organic, real food ingredients, are unsweetened, and are regularly tested to ensure they’re safe for baby.

Until 2024, companies weren’t required to test their foods for most contaminants, and there was no standardized way that they had to identify the amounts of chemical contaminants their foods contained. Although there’s still no standard nationwide regulation in place, a new California law (AB 899) now requires baby food manufacturers to test for lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic each month in order for their products to be sold in the state.
Starting January 1, 2025, companies are required to disclose test results of any product manufactured after that date on their websites if they sell their products in CA. To learn about the test results for a Ready. Set. Food! product manufactured after January 1, 2025, enter your lot code below:

Enter 5 or more characters
Enter the lot code number on your RSF! product to view the corresponding heavy metal test results. Lot codes will be printed in small black ink on the back or bottom of the product, generally towards the bottom. Note: only lots produced after January 1, 2025 will be searchable here.
Example lot codes by product line:
Puffs: XXX25 (5 digits)
Oatmeal: 25XXXXX (7digits)
Purees: 25XXX (5 digits)
Stages: K25XXX (5 digits)

Do your products contain heavy metals like arsenic, lead, cadmium, or mercury?
How do contaminants end up in food?
If there are most likely some heavy metals in all foods, how do I know what to look for in choosing the best foods for my baby?
How do heavy metals affect my baby’s health?