Learn about our collaboration with Fred Rogers Productions and 9 Story Brands to bring you Ready. Set. Food! X Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Peanut Butter Strawberry Organic Baby Oatmeal and Blueberry Banana Organic Oat and Fruit Bars!
Hi, Neighbor! Here at Ready. Set. Food!, we’re excited to announce our collaboration with 9 Story Brands and Fred Rogers Productions, and their beloved animated preschool program Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Our first-of-its-kind baby and toddler food features top allergens already pre-mixed inside. The Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood collaboration brings you new flavors of Organic Baby Oatmeal and Organic Oat & Fruit Bars, which help make allergen introduction a breeze.
Ready. Set. Food! was created by parents, doctors, and allergists, with the mission to make early allergen introduction fast, easy, and effective. Daniel Tiger knows the challenges of living with a food allergy, and Ready. Set. Food! is helping make sure that all friends can live a life of food freedom.
“On the show, Daniel Tiger experiences first-hand what it is like to have a food allergy – he is allergic to peaches. So, we knew that Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood would be the perfect fit for this shared mission of giving babies the best start in life,” says Daniel Zakowski, CEO and co-founder of Ready. Set. Food! “When kids have a strong foundation for food freedom, their potential is limitless. We are excited to embark on this journey together with Fred Rogers Productions and 9 Story Brands.”
Ready. Set. Food!’s complete system of products were made to help all families introduce common food allergens early and often just like pediatricians recommend. Now that's grr-ific!
The new Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood products feature Peanut Butter Strawberry Organic Baby Oatmeal and Blueberry Banana Organic Oat and Fruit Bars, with more products and flavors coming your way in the future. Both products are USDA-certified organic, rich in protein and iron, and free from artificial ingredients.
Learn more about each new product below:

Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger Peanut Butter Strawberry Organic Baby Oatmeal: Introduce your little one to the timeless flavor combination of the beloved PB&J with our tigertastic Peanut Butter Strawberry Oatmeal! Give your baby a yummy PB&J taste they’ll love, with 9 top allergens they need right inside every bite.This twist on the classic comfort food is perfect for a satisfying breakfast or snack, since it's packed with 5 grams of protein. You're gonna love it!
Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger Blueberry Banana Organic Oat & Fruit Bars: Maintaining regular exposure to top allergens in your toddler’s diet has never been easier. New tigertastic Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger Blueberry Banana Organic Oat & Fruit Bars are made from wholegrain oats and real fruit and come with 8 top allergens pre-mixed inside for a snack with a purpose! These bars combine two of Daniel's favorite fruits in one deee-licious snack – you're gonna love it!
Ready. Set. Food!'s products are aligned with the internationally recognized clinical trials on early allergen introduction (the LEAP, EAT, and PETIT trials). They are inspired by medical guidelines from national associations of pediatricians and allergists, as well as the USDA, that were published in response to the clinical studies’ results. These studies and guidelines support introducing babies to common allergens early and consistently, as early as 4 months of age.
“Our brand began with a complete, patented, and safe allergen introduction system for babies, and we are dedicated to expanding our product offerings to further support parents as their children grow,” shares Zakowski. “ Scientific research shows that babies have a healthier future when they continue to be exposed to allergens daily until they become part of their regular diet. We are thrilled to offer parents more convenient food options to continue their allergen introduction journey.”
Ready. Set. Food! is excited to team up with Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood to help parents take the mess and stress out of allergen introduction, so babies and toddlers can achieve a healthier future. You can purchase the Ready. Set. Food! x Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood products here on readysetfood.com, or on Amazon. They’ll also be available at other national retailers in the near future.

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All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your baby’s health.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If your infant has severe eczema, check with your infant’s healthcare provider before feeding foods containing ground peanuts.