Why Is Maintaining Exposure to Allergens Important?

Why is it important to maintain exposure to top allergens regularly in your baby’s diet? Find out why based on recent studies and learn how regularly these top allergens should be included in your baby’s diet.

Introducing babies to common potential allergens like peanuts and eggs as early as four months old is the best way to help set your little one up for a healthier future to enjoy a variety of foods. However, feeding these foods once and then not feeding them again is not enough.

The Canadian Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology (CSACI) recently updated their guidance on preventing food allergies to emphasize the importance of regular consumption of common allergens to reduce the risk of developing a food allergy. They recommend that babies eat age-appropriate forms of each allergenic food at least once a week during infancy and toddlerhood. This recommendation is supported by several scientific studies.

One such study, conducted in Australia, showed that a large public health campaign resulted in three times as many parents introducing peanuts to their baby before they were a year old. However, there was only a very small reduction in the rate of peanut allergy. This outcome is likely because 70% of the babies were not eating peanut regularly – many had only one small taste.

Another study in Israel asked parents about their baby's feeding habits (formula, breast milk, or a combination) and analyzed patterns in milk allergy rates. They found that babies who had been fed cow’s milk formula a few times and then had no exposure until after six months were the most likely to develop a cow’s milk allergy.

Combining the findings of these studies, researchers concluded that once allergens are introduced, they need to be fed regularly, at least once a week. While the exact volume isn’t known, parents should be feeding more than just a taste of each food.

Allergists encourage parents to find simple ways to incorporate these foods into the diet so that it is easy to be consistent. Trying out a few different foods and finding what works for you can make this process simpler.

How Do I Maintain Exposure to Top Allergens?

As mentioned above, it’s very important to maintain exposure to top allergens in your little one’s diet on a regular basis so that you give them the best chance at freely eating those foods later in life.

Ready. Set. Food! makes the process easy with our mix-ins, oatmeal, puffs, and bars that contain top allergens and make it easy to keep feeding allergens daily. The Ready. Set. Food! Journey allows you to keep providing your little one the allergens they need no matter where they are in their feeding journey. 




  • Organic Puffs (8+ months): Maintain exposure to 9 top allergens. Available in 3 different varieties
  • Organic Oat & Fruit Bars (12+ months): Maintain exposure to 8 top allergens. Available in 2 different varieties

All health-related content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always seek the advice of your own pediatrician in connection with any questions regarding your baby’s health.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  If your infant has severe eczema, check with your infant’s healthcare provider before feeding foods containing ground peanuts.